Monday, February 14, 2011

The Sasha Call

Not too much to update at this point. I guess that is going to be the case from time to time. Have a few more interviews this week. Hopefully they go well. Anyways, the real reason I posted right now, is because I found a bunch of movies from Christmas. Sasha, my parents and I went to Yellowpoint Lodge, which is a lovely escape we enjoy on Vancouver Island.

My dad was convinced he could find a deer. But his mission, became far more complex. Unsuspecting twists and turns nearly thwarted our hero, but hopefully he will succeed. In all frankness, it is pretty silly stuff, but I just felt like putting something together.

I also want to thank Paul and his friends for hosting me on the Gold Coast this weekend. It was a lovely time, and you were all very welcoming. Hope everyone is well.


  1. Those calls require such skill . . . must take years to learn. Did the Sasha ever appear or do we find out in the sequel?

  2. What a great time that was and you guys made it extraordinary. Thanks for this little video on the eve of Sasha's departure for Australia. He was charmed (I watched his expression.) You keep us smiling...

  3. There are reports of a Sasha sighting in Australia, most recently at Newman College in Melbourne. Can you confirm this?
